
Want to get answers?

Frequent Apostolic Questions is about getting answers. Not just any answers, but answers to your bible questions. And the best part? The scripture is used to answer the question!

Too many times in the past when I was trying to find an answer to a question I would ask someone (I went to church with). Their response would be to pray about it. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not against praying about it. However, I didn’t find it very helpful when I was first starting to question things. Seeking the truth and wanting to know what it had for my life.

When I did get an answer to a question, it usually didn’t involved scripture. After learning what I have learned up to this point, I find that “answers without scripture” are not stable. It’s like trying to stand up in quicksand. You can’t find any footing, and well, it just doesn’t work out.

Then, I met a couple of people who were like me in the similar quest to find answers. To learn and grow in the Lord. Through them I met a teacher, not just any teacher. This teacher was one sent from God, the type in Ephesians 4:11. I have been learning ever since. I am by no means putting him on a pedestal, simply showing this couldn’t be anything else except for God.

The idea of asking someone a question was to get an answer, right? So if I don’t know the answer, then I will point blank let you know. You won’t get the run around here. If I don’t have scripture to give as an answer, then I can’t give an answer.

Who is this for?

This website is geared towards the Apostolic believer and to those who are sincerely seeking the truth. I do it this way because, if you aren’t really wanting to know, then it is better for you not to know. (2 Peter 2:21)

This is a place where I share things I have learned (and new things I learn) in the word of God.

What We Believe

We believe the the 66 books of the Holy Bible, cover to cover.

Some would say that is vague, I say it is specific. We stick to what is in between the covers of the Bible. We do not add to or take away from the Bible, we leave it as it is to explain itself.

If there is something specific you want to know whether or not we believe it, feel free to email me here. All messages are welcome. :)

About The Author

My name is Dakota.
I have had the Holy Ghost since I was about 8 years old but I didn’t start growing until 2007 (about 10 years later). By no means do I consider myself a preacher or a teacher. Though, if you learn something here, then I guess you are taught. I feel like my goal here is very well laid out above. I am simply sharing the knowledge I have gained since I started learning the truth in January 2007.
I have a wonderful wife, her name is Vanessa, and we have 2 children together. Their names are Chance and Evelyn.
I have a degree in computer networking. I am employed by a hardware manufacturer.